Gowin Vol.3 第2部第3章 リスト3

UdpServiceMux( streamWidth: Int = 1, serviceMap: Seq[UdpContext => Bool]) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val in = UdpServicePort(streamWidth)
val servicePorts = Vec(serviceMap.length, Flipped(UdpServicePort(streamWidth)))

val numberOfServices = serviceMap.length
val numberOfPorts = numberOfServices + 1
val demuxDiscardChannel = numberOfPorts - 1
val demuxDisableChannel = numberOfPorts
val muxDisableChannel = numberOfServices

val udpReceiveDataDemux = Module(new IrrevocableDemux(MultiByteSymbol(streamWidth), numberOfPorts))
val udpReceiveContextDemux = Module(new IrrevocableDemux(new UdpContext, numberOfPorts))
val udpSendDataMux = Module(new IrrevocableMux(MultiByteSymbol(streamWidth), numberOfServices))
val udpSendContextMux = Module(new IrrevocableMux(new UdpContext, numberOfServices))
val demuxSelect = RegInit(numberOfPorts.U(log2Ceil(numberOfPorts + 1).W))
val muxSelect = RegInit(numberOfServices.U(log2Ceil(numberOfServices + 1).W))

udpReceiveDataDemux.io.in <> io.in.udpReceiveData
udpReceiveContextDemux.io.in <> io.in.udpReceiveContext
udpSendDataMux.io.out <> io.in.udpSendData
udpSendContextMux.io.out <> io.in.udpSendContext

val dataDemuxEnable = RegInit(false.B)
val contextDemuxEnable = RegInit(false.B)
val dataMuxEnable = RegInit(false.B)
val contextMuxEnable = RegInit(false.B)

udpReceiveDataDemux.io.select := Mux(dataDemuxEnable, demuxSelect, numberOfPorts.U)
udpReceiveContextDemux.io.select := Mux(contextDemuxEnable, demuxSelect, numberOfPorts.U)
udpSendDataMux.io.select := Mux(dataMuxEnable, muxSelect, numberOfServices.U)
udpSendContextMux.io.select := Mux(contextMuxEnable, muxSelect, numberOfServices.U)
udpReceiveDataDemux.io.out(demuxDiscardChannel).ready := true.B // Discard inputs
udpReceiveContextDemux.io.out(demuxDiscardChannel).ready := true.B //

for(channelIndex <- (0 to numberOfServices - 1).reverse) {
io.servicePorts(channelIndex).udpReceiveContext <> udpReceiveContextDemux.io.out(channelIndex)
io.servicePorts(channelIndex).udpReceiveData <> udpReceiveDataDemux.io.out(channelIndex)
io.servicePorts(channelIndex).udpSendContext <> udpSendContextMux.io.in(channelIndex)
io.servicePorts(channelIndex).udpSendData <> udpSendDataMux.io.in(channelIndex)

// Demux operation
// Check UdpContext and determine which service is targeted for.
// (Usually by checking the destination port number)
val demuxInPacket = RegInit(false.B)
when(!demuxInPacket) {
when(io.in.udpReceiveContext.valid) {
demuxSelect := demuxDiscardChannel.U
for(channelIndex <- (0 to numberOfServices - 1).reverse) { // Check the condition from the last service to prioritize
when( serviceMap(channelIndex)(io.in.udpReceiveContext.bits) ) {
demuxSelect := channelIndex.U
contextDemuxEnable := true.B
dataDemuxEnable := true.B
demuxInPacket := true.B
} .otherwise {
when( udpReceiveDataDemux.io.out(demuxSelect).valid && udpReceiveDataDemux.io.out(demuxSelect).ready && udpReceiveDataDemux.io.out(demuxSelect).bits.last ) {
dataDemuxEnable := false.B
when( !contextDemuxEnable ) {
demuxInPacket := false.B
when( udpReceiveContextDemux.io.out(demuxSelect).valid && udpReceiveContextDemux.io.out(demuxSelect).ready ) {
contextDemuxEnable := false.B
when( !dataDemuxEnable ) {
demuxInPacket := false.B

// Mux operation
// Just output the first channel whose request is available.
val muxInPacket = RegInit(false.B)
when(!muxInPacket) {
muxSelect := muxDisableChannel.U // Disable mux
for(channelIndex <- (0 to numberOfServices - 1).reverse) { // Check the condition from the last service to prioritize
when( io.servicePorts(channelIndex).udpSendContext.valid ) { // The service has a pending request.
muxSelect := channelIndex.U
contextMuxEnable := true.B
dataMuxEnable := true.B
muxInPacket := true.B
} .otherwise {
// Check select channel and process its request.
// Note that unselecting the muxes without checking current `valid` signal is allowed and ensured to generate correct Irrevocable transaction by IrrevocableMux.
for(channelIndex <- (0 to numberOfServices - 1).reverse) { // Check the condition from the last service to prioritize
// Since it is not possible to select seviceMap by muxSelect signal at runtime,
// we must generate selectors by comparing muxSelect and channelIndex.
when(muxSelect === channelIndex.U) {
when( io.servicePorts(channelIndex).udpSendContext.valid && io.servicePorts(channelIndex).udpSendContext.ready ) {
contextMuxEnable := false.B
when( !dataMuxEnable ) {
muxInPacket := false.B
when( io.servicePorts(channelIndex).udpSendData.valid && io.servicePorts(channelIndex).udpSendData.ready && io.servicePorts(channelIndex).udpSendData.bits.last ) {
dataMuxEnable := false.B
when( !contextMuxEnable ) {
muxInPacket := false.B